Dear Lake Forest Members
We have continued to be diligently committed in laying out the framework for our Enduring Legacy Project over the last three months. As we predicted, there have been many challenges, delays, and obstacles as result of our current environment post COVID, that we have been forced to maneuver around as well as adapt to overcome. Now that we have confidence in our timeline, we would like to update you with our schedule for what to expect with regards to the golf related portion of our project.
Bunker and Practice Facility Work Year 2022
Preliminary Design Phase-Bunker Approval Construction Document Phase Submit Plan to MSD for EPSC Permit Pre-Construction Meeting for Contractors Bid Due Date Bid Review by Architect and Club Bid Award Contract Paperwork between Club and Contractor EPSC Permit from MSD Contractor Mobilizes Erosion Control Measures Installed and Staking Construction Begins on Bunkers and Practice Facility Construction Phase Bunker Work fully complete and playable Practice Greens and Seeded Areas “Grow In” | February 15- March 7 March 7 - March 17 March 18 - April 15 April 15 April 19 May 5 May 6- May 12 May 13 May 16- May19 June 1 June June 15- June 30 July 1 July1- September 30 October 1 September 1- May 15, 2023 |
Course fully operational May 2023
Firm details regarding the non-golf aspects of the project will be released in the coming days. Work is underway so look forward to seeing changes happen quickly.
Michael Thorp. Jr.
Green Chairman
Lake Forest Country Club Board of Directors